Advanced PDF to RTF/DOC Options

Depending on how the PDF file was created, it may be necessary to experiment with the conversion options to see what gives you the optimal results. When converting from PDF to RTF/DOC, the following advanced options are available when you click Advanced Options. These options are not available for Text or HTML files.

When advanced options are applied, the last set of options selected will apply to all the jobs on the conversion task list.
For example, if you select font type Arial for job 1 then font type Tahoma for job 2, both jobs will return with font type Tahoma. It is advisable to create jobs that all share the same set of advanced options.





From Page and To Page

This option is displayed when the Specify Pages tab is selected. Indicates the first and last page of a range to be converted.

Owner and User Password

This option is displayed when the Specify Password tab is selected. There are two password entries USER and OWNER. Convert Doc will attempt to use both the passwords before giving up.

JPEG Quality

This option is displayed when the Images tab is selected. Sets the quality from 1% to 100%. Higher values give better quality images, and larger file sizes.

OCR options

This option is displayed when the OCR tab is selected. NOTE: This product does not perform OCR on PDF files. However, it does convert PDFs that have been created by OCR. You have three options:

Include both Text and Image

Include Text Only

Include Image Only

Connect Hyphens

For those words that have been separated by a hyphen, this option will remove the hyphen.

Remove Hidden Text

For text that is hidden (for example, white font on white background) this option will remove the text.

Adjust Font Names*

Select this option to use the fonts that have been installed on your PC. This may enhance the accuracy of the resulting RTF file.

Adjust Spacing*

Only available with the Use Textboxes for Exact Placement option. Adjusts spacing according to the PDF spacing.

Conversion Method*

There are three options for conversion method. Choose each based on input format and the desired output. See Document Layout for more information on format of input document.


Preserve Layout Using Spacing and Tabs - available for single column documents only. Positioning of text in the resulting document will preserve the layout of the input using tabs and spaces instead of text boxes. See also the Detect Header option.


Use Textboxes for Exact Placement - resulting text maintains the same positions as the input file through the use of text boxes. See also Merge Text and Adjust Spacing options.


Text Flow - extracts text and graphics from the document but without maintaining the input file layout. Available for single or multiple column documents, editing may be easier if Text Flow is selected.

Detect Header*

Available only with conversion option Preserve Layout Using Spacing and Tabs. When selected, Convert Doc will automatically detect the header and footer in a document.

Document Layout*

There are three possible types:


Single-column - use for simple documents that don't contain columns.


Multi-column - for use with complex documents that may contain columns. Select the Text Flow method for this document type.


Pleading - specifically for use with documents in a legal pleading format. To edit the line numbers in the resulting RTF document, select View/Header and Footer in MS Word.

Extract Hyperlinks*

Choose this option to retain the hyperlinks of the input document.

Extract Images*

This check box is in the Images tab. Images from the input PDF can be included in the RTF file that is created. Check this option to include the images from the input PDF file. Images may be saved in either JPG or BMP format.


Not checking this option will exclude all images from the resulting RTF file.  Images may include textual content.

Image Format*

Found under the Images tab, select JPG or BMP. JPG is the default.

Include Text*

Text from the input PDF can be included in the RTF file that is created.


Check this option to include the text from the input PDF file.


Not checking this option will exclude all text from the resulting RTF file. This does not however, exclude images, that may or may not have text in them.

Merge Paragraph*

Select this option to place multiple lines of text into paragraphs. This will make editing easier, but may, under certain circumstances cause the document to look different from the input. This is due to font incompatibilities between PDF and RTF.


If the option Use Textboxes for Exact Placement is utilized, the Merge Text option should also be selected.

Merge Text*

Select this option to merge individual words into lines of text.


Not selecting this option will result in each word being placed in a separate text box. This preserves textual position from the input document more accurately.

Shrink Fonts*

Select this option to ensure that all text fits within its original area on your screen. This is useful if the extracted text is lengthy. The option automatically alters font size to fit within the text boxes of your RTF documents. Only available with the Use Textboxes for Exact Placement option.

*These items are applicable to version 4.14 and earlier of CD, available upon request from [email protected].


See also:

Quick Start: Converting Files

Conversion of File Types

Conversion Methods

Advanced PDF to RTF/DOC Options