About Softinterface, Inc.

We're here to help you make the most of our file comparison and conversion software. Take advantage of it!



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    Info at SoftInterface.COM
    Sales at SoftInterface.COM
    Support at SoftInterface.COM


7 AM to 5 PM PST



Our offices are located in Los Angeles County. For general correspondence:

    938 Lincoln Blvd #6

    Santa Monica, CA


    United States of America


7 AM to 5 PM PST

    TEL: Tel: +1 323 999 1157

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Developing software tools since 1999. Time tested software.

About Us

SoftInterface develops, manufactures and sells technology tools for use worldwide, particularly for Microsoft Office users. Established in 1999, Softinterface has sold products to one out of every three Fortune 500 companies. We specialize in producing file comparison and file conversion software, empowering you with tools to automate the workplace.

At SoftInterface, Inc., we have extensive experience in developing both back office as well as factory/machine shop floor software. In the past we've created:

  • Graphical User Interfaces (GUI)
  • Middleware (Interfacing hardware to software, software to software)
  • Relational Database Management Systems
  • Software Applications Development (from start to finish)
    • Design (top down object-oriented)
    • Development (software creation phase)
    • Testing (quality assurance)
    • Debugging (maintenance)
    • Documentation (including help files)
    • Installation Scripts (install/remove applications)
    • Marketing of Software Products (especially tools and utilities)

30 Day Money Back Guarantee

All our software products are backed by a 30-day money back guarantee, providing you with added assurance and peace of mind. We like happy customers at Softinterface, if you need more time to trial our apps just send an email to Support at SoftInterface.COM.

Our Customers

The following is a sampling of our customers:

Company Info
IBM Canada Enhanced our WordConverterEXE app to do special parsing of Excel conversions.
Intel Corporation Bought 'Convert Doc' for their document conversion demands.
Lexis Nexis Purchased 'Diff Doc' for document comparison purposes.
Adobe Systems Incorporated Leveraged 'Convert Doc' for their in house conversion needs.
3M 'Convert XLS' and 'Convert PDF to Image' customers.
American Honda Motors, Inc. Purchased SoftInterface's product for use in their own document management application.

Celebrating 25 Years of Innovation in Software: Softinterface's Journey

Softinterface began in 1999, amidst the Y2K phenomenon and the turbulence of the dotcom bubble. While many companies struggled, Softinterface thrived. Starting with Y2K remediation, we quickly shifted focus to robotics in factory floor automation while also developing tools for Windows developers.

By 2002, our software applications for file conversion and comparison gained recognition for their cutting-edge capabilities, significantly boosting workplace efficiency. Including a command-line interface into our apps empowered users to automate back-office tasks, marking our transition from factory automation to enhancing office productivity.

As we celebrate our 25th anniversary, we extend heartfelt thanks to our customers worldwide for their continued support. Join us in celebrating 25 years of innovation at Softinterface, where we're shaping the future of software solutions.