Empower yourself with File Comparison and File Conversion tools from Softinterface. Leverage technology to automate your workplace.
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We are open for business!7/7/2020: Softinterface is open for business as during this COVID-19 pandemic. Please take all precautions necessary during this tumultuous time. Be well, be safe. Please email us if you have any questions. Thank you. Windows 10 Compatibility12/2/2015: All products are now Windows 10 and Windows Server 2008/2012 compliant. All programs made compatible with Office 201610/16/2015: We are constantly improving our products to maintain relevancy. Softinterface Mobile Site now up and running.5/1/2015: We've finally did it! Now you can access our mobile friendly Softinterface web site from any small phone or device. Japanese Language Enhancements4/17/2015: All of our products have had their help files reviewed and in many cases redone for Japanese. Windows 8 Compatibility10/24/2013: All products are now Windows 8 compliant. 'Convert Doc' compatible with Office 20131/10/2013: We are constantly improving our products to maintain relevancy. Founder Discusses File Comparison and Conversion Tools on Squidoo11/16/2012: Recently submitted lens at Squidoo helps explain what Softinterface is all about. More to come! All Conversion Products Updated7/31/2012: All conversion products have been enhanced. The user interface now allows for easy moving of conversion items and also asks the user to save the 'Conversion Job' if appropriate. 4/13/2012: 'Convert Doc' now supports digital signing of PDFsWith version 7.01, when creating a PDF file, they can now be digitally signed (X.509). Conversion Products user interface being updated.A fresh new look and feel is coming to our conversion products. First done and released today, 'Convert Image to PDF'. 9/2/2011 'Diff Doc' Supports PDF's which contain OCR'd images.PDF's that contain OCR'd scanned images are now supported. The PDF must contain the textual info in addition to the images. OCR is Object Character Recognition. It is important to note, 'Diff Doc' does not perform OCR on scanned images within a PDF. 8/3/2011 'Convert Doc' PDF to DOC conversion enhanced.Constantly improving our tools, 'Convert Doc' now can handle highly complex PDF layouts. 5/13/2011 'Convert Doc' Now Windows 7 and Office 2010 Able!Work with the latest version of Windows and Office with our comprehensive document conversion tool, 'Convert Doc'. 8/9/2010 'Diff Doc' Now Windows 7 and Office 2010 Able!Work with the latest version of Windows and Office with our comprehensive document comparison tool, 'Diff Doc'. 8/6/2010 'Convert XLS' Now Windows 7 and Office 2010 Able!We've been working hard to make sure to stay on top of the latest and greatest tools. Now work with the latest version of Windows and Office with Softinterface tools. 8/1/2010 'Convert Document To Image' ReleasedOur new product can convert PDF, DOC, RTF, HTM, and text files to up to different image file types (i.e. JPG, BMP, TIF etc). With the same ease and power as our other conversion tools our customers will easily recognize it as a Softinterface caliber product. We've now included this product in an existing bundle, so you can purchase 'Convert Doc' and get 'Convert XLS', 'Convert Image', 'Convert PowerPoint' and 'Convert Document To Image' for free as well. 12/1/2009 Softinterface Passes 10 Year Mark!From the .COM bust to one of the greatest financial crises in history, Softinterface has managed not only to stay in business but to grow. We're looking forward to many more decades of innovation and creation of software solutions. 7/9/2009 'Diff Doc', 'Convert Doc' and 'Convert XLS' Speed EnhancementsAll applications have been scoured for speed enhancements, and we found many of them. In particular the time it takes to load the programs has been reduced. This can be a significant performance boost for those frequently using the command line or COM interface. 4/5/2009 'Convert XLS' Now Office 2007 Able!If you have been waiting to be able to convert to/from your XLSX, XLSM, and XLSB files, wait no longer! Our latest version of 'Convert XLS' now handles Microsoft Office Open XML file format. No need to have MS Excel installed, as we've got our own algorithms. Imagine converting your files 20 times faster than using MS Excel. 1/6/2008 'Diff Doc' Now VISTA ReadyChanges in the operating system caused issues for new Vista users. We have now got a handle on this and are fully compatible with MS Vista. 5/10/2007 'Convert PDF to Image Released'New product for converting PDF's to images has been released. "We are proud to announce that we will bundle this new package together with our existing program 'Convert Image to PDF' to add value to our new customer purchases" explains Allen Segall, President of Softinterface, Inc. 2/1/2007 'Convert Image', 'Convert Image To PDF' Context Windows Explorer "Context Menu Item" Released'Convert Image' and 'Convert Image to PDF' are now able to quickly and easily manipulate images from within the Windows explorer by using the 'Context Menu'. Conversion will be as simple as a mouse click. 7/22/2006 'Convert Image' Context Windows Explorer "Context Menu Item" Soon To Be Released'Convert Image' will soon be able to quickly and easily manipulate images from within the Windows explorer by using the 'Context Menu'. Conversion will be as simple as a mouse click. 5/24/2006 'Convert Image' Released'Convert Image' is a simple to use, yet sophisticated image conversion and manipulation utility specifically designed to convert and transform graphic files. If you need to convert one or thousands of files, located in one or many different folders, into a variety of different file types, this is the tool. 5/3/2005 Tower Software Chooses 'Diff Doc'Tower Software Softinterface's premier document comparison tool is "Diff Doc". "Diff Doc" is a powerful, yet easy to use, file comparison tool that integrates seamlessly with TOWER Software's TRIM Context to provide fast and accurate comparisons between TRIM Context document versions, revisions and external files. "Diff Doc" compares files of many types including Microsoft Word, Excel and PowerPoint, PDF, RTF, Text, XML, HTML, Wordperfect and more. Softinterface's "Diff Doc" document comparison utility works the way all software should work - accurately, quickly, simply, and affordably. 12/15/2004 Adobe Systems Inc. Chooses 'Convert Doc'A custom site license has been signed by Adobe allowing them to install 'Convert Doc' on their servers. They will be using it specifically to do Doc to HTML conversions. "We look forward to using your product and potentially working together in the future", Bob Free, Adobe 6/25/2004 Text to Excel Wizard Released with whole new look and feelTXL Wizard, the Text to Excel/CSV file conversion tool, has been released. The tool was initially created by RMS Vision Systems, and adopted by Softinterface. We gave it a new look and feel, optimized the user friendliness, and gave it a command line option for extra power. 4/15/2004 LexisNexis gives 'Diff Doc' the thumbs up!“WE like the product. It is fast and accurate. It seems to pick up all of the differences in the documents, and it does a good job of displaying those differences. We like the easy to use interface. That is why we bought it!” Richard M. Baker (LexisNexis) 1/2004 Customer Reviews Come Flowing in as 'Diff Doc' Becomes A Main Stream Product!"I found a product called Diff Doc that seems to work quite well for comparing Word documents against other Word documents! (I don't know how well it works with WordPerfect, though the documentation claims that it is supported). Like many of you, I was looking at DeltaView and was very upset at their inability to work with us on the pricing structure. Diff Doc can also run from command line, so integration with document managers is a snap (the author modified the code over a couple of hours for me to get it to work with WORLDOX Versioning. In return, I wrote his FAQ on WORLDOX integration). Download an evaluation copy at <https://www.softinterface.com/>." 'Diff Doc' Troy Piersma excerpt from a TechnoLawyer Newsletter. 8/1/2003 "Just read the TechnoLawyer post from Troy Piersma. I concur completely. I recently left a big firm which used DeltaView, and looked to get an equivalent program after being blown off by the DeltaView sales rep because I wasn't big enough for their policy. My Tabs and Practices master reseller, Judy Lassek, had also put me in WORLDOX, with which I am very pleased. She had heard of DiffDocs through her network, and I downloaded it and tried it out. I had a hard time comparing versions of the same document at first, but after receiving an update from DiffDocs, it has worked very well for me. My practice is transactional, requiring revising contracts regularly, and the program works great for doing that kind of comparison. I recommend that solos and others try it out, if for no other reason than the company is such a refreshing change from its competition! However, that wouldn't make much difference if the product itself weren't good." Michael V. Mulchay, PLC 8/1/2003 MDdatacor Selects 'Convert Doc' For It's File Conversion Needs!
ATLANTA, GA, January 13, 2003
--- MDdatacor, inc., a leading provider of clinical information
management products for physician practices and the healthcare industry,
recently chose Convert Doc, a document conversion utility, from
SoftInterface, Inc. as its product of choice to convert "Office" style
documents to standard text files. 'Convert Doc' The Comprehensive Document Conversion Tool Released'Convert Doc' the comprehensive document conversion utility has been released. SoftInterface has created another simple to use yet highly sophisticated document conversion tool. If you need to convert thousands of files with a variety of file types (PDF, Text, RTF, HTML, DOC, etc.) located within many folders in a short period of time, this is the tool. Especially if you require complicated conversion jobs done on a regular basis. 'Convert Doc' can be ran from the command line allowing for use in batch files as well as launching programmatically from other programs. With CD you can use SoftInterface conversion algorithms, or those built within MS Word itself giving you an extreme amount of flexibility. In addition to doing file conversion, CD also has features to further enhance its usefulness. For example, whole folders and sub-folders of files may be specified to be converted. Also, you can choose to place the converted files within the original folder or a folder of your choice. Allen Segall (President, SoftInterface, Inc.) 6/2002 IBM Gives SoftInterface the Thumbs Up"Great customer service, prompt attention to our requirements, and lightening speed development has been my experience with the staff at Softinterface Inc. Within a few hours of installing the WordConverterEXE product, I was convinced that I made the right choice in doing business with this company. For several months now, their product has been working in mission critical environment flawlessly. With a few enhancement requests that were completed and delivered the same day they were asked for, WordconverterEXE has saved us time and money. It was a pleasure dealing with your team. Thanks Again!" IBM Canada, Toronto, Ontario, Bruce King
SoftInterface Releases CompareFilesX and FindInFilesX, RADical ComponentsSo what's new and "different" about SoftInterface's products? At first glance SoftInterface's ActiveX/OCX creations are not terribly unique. Comparing files and directories (CompareFilesX) or finding text within files (FindInFilesX) has been done by many a programmer in the past. Heck, all of Microsoft’s 32 bit operating systems have Find utility that will optionally search for text. So what makes SoftInterface think it can one up Bill? Yes it’s true, they’ve been done before, however not in the format of a component. By encapsulating these capabilities within an ActiveX it allows programmers to integrate this functionality into “their” end products. This effectively will allow programmers to create their own input and output GUI’s (or non GUI) specific to the nature of “their” products. Also, both CompareFilesX and FindInFilesX feature a separate thread of execution, effectively allowing for a smooth end user experience. That is, the applications created with these components will allow the end users to continue working while the components are hard at work. Asynchronous task management makes everyone more productive. Considering the time it would take an average programmer to create a file comparator or text search facility, CompareFilesX and FindInFilesX are priced very reasonably. Allen Segall (President, SoftInterface, Inc.)
PDFConverterX released (4/2003)
XLSConverterX released (1/2003) WDD has a
Mini-Diff tool to compare RTF, DOC, XLS
(7/19) CompareFilesX Now shows detailed paragraph diffs
(1/22/2002) WordConverterX Now has DLL Interface
(1/10/2002) WordConverterEXE now available.
(12/2/2001) Compare MS Word/Excel Docs Side by Side
(11/15/2001) FindInFilesX Standard Now Functions in MSVC v6
(9/28/2001) WordDocDiff Now Has Reporting (9/26/2001) Compare MS Word Docs Side by Side (8/21/2001) |
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