Example of Using the Command Line via Dot Net

The example below shows how to interface with any of our applications ('Convert Doc', 'Convert XLS' etc.) by using the command line within MS Visual Studio .NET.

cmdLine = @”/S “ + filename.doc + “ /F” + fromType + “ /T “ + filename.pdf + “ /C” + toType + “ /L” + @”c:\temp\testsave\result.log”;


Process DOS = null;

ProcessStartInfo qOptions = new ProcessStartInfo (programpath, cmdLine);


qOptions.RedirectStandardOutput = true;

qOptions.RedirectStandardError = true;

qOptions.UseShellexceute = false;

qOptions.WindowStyle = ProcessWindowStyle.Hidden;


DOS = Process.Start(qOptions)



Result = DOS.StandardOutput.ReadToEnd();

String error = DOS.StandardError.ReadToEnd();