'Convert XLS' is 10-20 times faster than using Excel. It also allows for the saving and restoring of complex 'conversion jobs'. Specify a 'conversion job' within the command line or Windows scheduler and rest easy.
Power users: Command line capability is fundamental to ALL of our software tools. Demo batch files are installed ready for testing and modification. We are always here to help you implement our software.
Move or delete files while converting Excel files...no problem! Skip files already done, check! Easy unattended conversion of whole folders.
If you need to manipulate Excel, CSV, TXT file data, 'Convert XLS' comes with numerous features and specialized processes including:
More info on specific Excel file conversions
Special Promotion: Buy 'Convert XLS' and get
'Text to Excel Wizard',
'Convert Doc',
'Convert Image'
'Convert PowerPoint'
Do you need software to convert XLSX To XLS
(or convert XLSX to XLS)?
If so, we got just the tool you need. Convert XLS' can convert XLS to Open XML Excel Workbook (XLSX)
10 to 20 times faster than using MS Excel. In fact you can do these conversions with or without
MS Excel giving you flexibility. Using MS Excel is not as fast, but it gives you many more file types that you can
convert to (such as PRN, DBF, WKS etc).
Again, our tool does not require MS Excel, although you can optionally specify to use it. This can
assist in security for those planning on using a server.
All our conversion tools allow you to automate the process by using:
If you click the ADD button, a
'Conversion Item' is added to the 'task list' at the bottom of the user
interface. You can add as many 'conversion tasks' as you want, and
save the 'Conversion Job' file for use at a later time. See
the File menu for saving and restoring 'Conversion Jobs'.
'Convert XLS' can be especially helpful if you require complicated
file conversion jobs done regularly. By saving and
recalling a conversion job file, 'Convert XLS' quickly remembers
all the file conversion tasks and their details.
Note: The same 'conversion job' file
discussed above can be specified in the command line by using the /J
switch. For example:
ConvertXLS.exe /J"C:\Conversion Jobs\Convert-XLSX-to-XLS-Command-Line.SII"
It is the best XLSX To XLS conversion tool you've never used... till this moment!
Click here to download a free trial.
NOTE: After installation, you can find simple batch files (XLSXtoXLS.bat) for quick and easy usage by going to Start\All Programs\Convert XLS\Example Batch Files. These will work without modification provided the installation was in the default folder. Email us at if you have any questions or need additional examples. We will get you up and running fast!
Although we'll discuss the use of the command line here, it's only to give you a taste. For the full, accurate, and up to date information see the 'Convert XLS' command line documentation. If you have trouble running these examples see Helpful Hints For Creating a Command Line.
There are two approaches to using the command line:
A 'Conversion Job' is easily built using the 'Convert XLS' graphical user interface. All the details of the job are saved in a single conversion job file (e.g. 'c:\myjobs\Do-Multi-Step-Conversion.SII). Specifying a conversion job file with the command line is very easy by using the /J switch. You can have hundreds or thousands of tasks specified in the conversion job file, all of which will get executed in one fell swoop. For example:
ConvertXLS.EXE /J"D:\Job Files\Convert XLSX to XLS.SII"
Specifying a single conversion task requires a bit more effort, but does not require
the prior creation of a 'Conversion Job' file.
The first example shows how to convert a XLSX to a XLS file.
Each switch shown in blue is described in detail below the examples. It is highly recommended you review each switches description before implementing the example, thereby giving you the full power of 'Convert XLS'.
To convert a single XLS file, C:\in\input.XLSX to a XLS file located in the C:\Out\ folder, the following syntax would be used:
ConvertXLS.EXE /S"C:\in\input.XLSX" /T"C:\Out\output.XLS" /F51 /C-4143 /M1
To do the same using the 'Convert XLS' conversion method (extremely fast and MS Excel not required) change the /M1 switch to /M2 as shown below:
ConvertXLS.EXE /S"C:\in\input.XLSX" /T"C:\Out\output.XLS" /F51 /C-4143 /M2
To convert a whole folder (and sub-folders) of XLSX files located in the C:\in\ folder to XLS files to be placed in the c:\Out\ folder, the following syntax would be used:
ConvertXLS.EXE /S"C:\in\*.XLSX" /T"C:\Out\*.XLS" /F51 /C-4143 /M2 /R
The /G switch can be used to tell 'Convert XLS' to place each output file in the same folder as each input file. Therefore the command line above is equivalent to the command line below:
ConvertXLS.EXE /S"C:\in\*.XLSX" /G /F51 /C-4143 /M2 /R
You may want to convert a whole folder and its sub-folders and place the output into a separate folder/drive. In which case use this syntax:
ConvertXLS.EXE /S"C:\in\*.XLSX" /T "C:\Out\*.XLS" /G /F51 /C-4143 /M2 /R
Sheet: Only used when an Excel file is the input file. Use "*" or "" for all sheets. You can use names of sheets, or the numeric index. If using numeric indices, you can specify ranges of sheets (i.e. "1,4,10-20" and "4-10,9" etc.). Range and DelimChar are optional.
Range: You could optionally specify a range, say if you only wanted to convert a portion of the input file. Use the same syntax as an Excel range (e.g. A1:B10).
DelimChar: is for specifying the ASCII value of the delimitation character used in a CSV file. 44 for comma, 124 for Bar "|", 9 for the tab etc.
FixedWidth: Here you can specify how to import/export a fixed width text file. Not used in this example.
Note: It is highly encouraged that you use the Verbose (/V) switch initially to see what the status of your conversion is and to help you perfect your command line. When in verbose mode the program will tell you what went wrong or right with your command line using message boxes.