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It is compatible up to and including Office 2010 through Office 365. Yes it is.
What Windows operating systems will this work with? Any Windows operating system 32 or 64 bit or greater will work. Any Windows Server will work fine. NOTE: Some customers report installing 32 bit (vs. 64 bit) version of MS Word resolving problems.
How do I convert my CSV to a properly formatted PDF. Overcome the issue of data being cropped.
How do I convert my CSV to a properly formatted PDF Command Line. Overcome the issue of data being cropped.
Application reports that it is unable to launch MS Excel, is it installed?
I'm getting an "Object Variable or With Block not set" error
Excel complains no printer is installed when converting to PDF
Fixed Width Profiles: Backing them up? Where are they located?
How Do I take the contents of a CSV file and place it into a pre-formatted Excel (XLS) file?
When Converting an XLS/XLSX file with the MS Excel method, the data is not refreshed/updated
Can I get an ERRORLEVEL or ERRORCODE when using the command line?
Special Process "[113] Print Excel Sheets" has stops working after installing KB5001330. Remove update to solve issue.
How can I fix a permission denied error when using the application through a Web page? Other issues related to permissions.
How to schedule a task using Windows Task Scheduler (Schedule multiple jobs)
Can this application run on VMWare or other virtualization software?
Excel files created with the 'Convert XLS' conversion method may exhibit this issue. If this is the case then: For Office 2007 and greater you must add a TRUSTED LOCATION for those input files you are using.
The solution has nothing to do with the actual problem. Office now has some kind of "protected-mode" feature, which prevents office programs from doing certain things under certain conditions. - One of them is to stop excel from opening attachments coming from outlook. Go to Excel options, Trust Center, Settings, and uncheck all the options about "protected view".
'Convert XLS' is having difficulty opening the INPUT file. There may be several reasons for this. Try opening the input file from within MS Excel to see if it gives you an error. You may have to add a TRUSTED LOCATION if the INPUT file is not in a trusted folder.
MACROs have also been known to cause issues of this sort. Try disabling or deleting the MACROs in the INPUT file to see if that helps.
Within Windows: Just select any generic printer as a 'Default Printer' under Control Panel\Devices and Printers. Select a general text printer and install the driver.
One of our online training videos illustrates how to do this. Briefly:
The secret is to have a 'master template Excel' file, let's call it Template.XLS. Template.XLS will have all the formatting you want, even formula's if you so desire, but it will be empty of data. You'll need to do the following steps:
You could optionally do it more elaborately:
Beginning with version 6.03 (May 24th 2012) of 'Convert XLS': Conversion of XLS/XLSX files that require a significant amount of time load data content or to calculate now have a new entry in the programs ini file, CX_SearchHistory.INI. To cause 'Convert XLS' to issue a RefreshAll() command and wait x number of milliseconds add this line immediately below the [frmMain] line:
For example, to delay 30 seconds (30000 milliseconds) it would look similar to this:
Yes, you can. Use the /K switch to get an error code. Here is a sample batch file.
@Echo off
Set ConvertXLS="C:\Program Files\Softinterface,
%ConvertXLS% /S C:\in\simple.csv /T"C:\in\simple.xlsx" /F6 /C51
/M2 /D /K /N"^^59"
ECHO. The current errorlevel is %ERRORLEVEL%
if ERRORLEVEL 3 GOTO Label_Missing_Invalid_Arguements
if ERRORLEVEL 2 GOTO Label_Error_occurred_during_conversion
ECHO The conversion was successful
Goto Label_CLEANUP
Goto Label_CLEANUP
ECHO An error occurred during conversion, Use /V or /L for more
Goto Label_CLEANUP
ECHO Missing required or invalid command line argument(s)
Goto Label_CLEANUP
Be certain you have the properly installed/setup language settings in the Control Panels\Regional Settings.
This typically can happen when the registry has been disrupted. Reinstalling MS Office usually repairs this issue.
For versions of MS Office newer than 2010, one user has reported fixing this issue by "clearing the Microsoft Office cache".
1. Open the office application
2. Select File
3. Select Options
4. Select Save
5. Select Cache Settings
6. Select Delete cached files
1. Run 'Convert XLS'
2. Press F3
3. Click the EDIT button
4. From within the text editor go to the FILE\SAVE AS menu item and when the
dialog box opens up, note the folder location of where your fixed width profiles
are stored.
5. You may exist the editor at this point.
6. Optionally: Copy the Profiles from the old to the new system using Windows
"'ConvertXLS' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file."
Important: To use the command line successfully you must do one of the following:
Set the path in your environment variables to the location of ConvertXLS.EXE
Use the full path in the command line (with double quotes) like so:
"C:\Program Files\Softinterface, Inc\Convert XLS\ConvertXLS.EXE" /S"C:\test\test.csv" /T "C:\test\test.xls" /C-4143 /F6 /M2 /V
If your original file begins with the letters "ID", your file will not convert to Excel. You need to move the letters "ID" out of the position where it is the first thing in the file to another location in the file.
For example, if your CSV file looks like this:
ID1234, comma, delimited, data
more, comma, delimited, data...
removing the ID, or placing it after the 1234 will fix the problem.
How do
I convert an XLS file to a DOC file?
Convert the worksheet first to an HTML file, and give it a *.DOC extension. For example the target file should be something like:
And the target file type should be HTML.
The 'Convert XLS' conversion method supports the following file types.
Excel 5.0 BIFF5
Excel 7.0 (Excel 95) BIFF7
Excel 8.0 (Excel 97) BIFF8
Excel 9.0 (Excel 2000)
Excel 10.0 (Excel XP)
Excel 11.0 (Excel 2003)
XLS, XLSX files can be read for versions 2007 and higher.
Check the Excel Options (within MS Excel). See the advanced\Web Options\Encoding tab as shown below.
No issues at this time. See Revision History for version to version details. Also, Please submit a bug if you find one.