Detailed Change History
16.20 (6/6/2023)
- Moving a licenses between two computers with Windows 11 was failing.
16.10 (1/3/2023)
- Application load time reduced. The number of
input/output files within the drop down list box was
reduced from 20 to 6 for faster load times. Scheduling
form job source most recently used list was reduced from
20 to 10 also.
16.00 (1/3/2023)
- Office 2022 compatibility completed. Note: Office
2022 was released at the same time as Windows 11.
15.20 (12/07/2022)
- Documentation updated for accuracy and completeness.
15.00 (2/6/2022)
- Certified Windows 11 compatibility
14.10 (12/11/2020)
- Registration issue resolved. Users who are attempting to upgrade options (e.g.
Server upgrade) and already had registered all users were running into problems. The newly purchased options were not being implemented.
14.00 (10/30/2020)
- Sample batch files had incorrectly referenced the
incorrect URL for further examples.
- These sample batch
files have been updated for clarity also.
- Sample batch
files are available in this folder after
%appdata%\SoftInterface, Inc\Convert PowerPoint\Demo Batch Files\
13.20 (6/3/2019)
- User interface: Brazilian-Portuguese language localization file added.
13.00 (3/8/2019)
- User interface: Language selection dialog had a bug. Closing using the top right 'control box' we cause app to revert to English.
12.70 (4/18/2018)
- Conversion to RTF: Error occurred when file contained 'Code 128' font
- Conversion to HTML: Last paragraph sign always contains default font (12 pt Arial)
12.60 (3/22/2018)
- Command Line: Using /L{Log File} switch created an extra output log file.
12.51 (1/10/2018)
- NOTE: This version now requires the following
operating systems (or newer): Windows 7 Service
Pack 1, Windows 8, Windows 8.1, Windows Server 2003,
Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1, Windows Server 2008 Service
Pack 2, Windows Server 2012, Windows Server 2012 R2,
Windows Vista Service Pack 2, Windows XP
- Converting to HTML: Paragraph colored borders and background colors were not being retained.
- Converting to PDF: Wrong ligatures
12.20 (8/14/2017)
- Converting to HTML: Paragraph colored borders and background colors were not being retained.
- Converting to PDF: Wrong ligatures
11.50 (3/22/2017)
- User interface completely updated. Fonts are now 25% bigger. This is great for those using bigger monitors.
11.40 (1/23/2017)
- Command line /? switch now works. Help file was shutting down, now opens
equivalent URL.
11.30 (12/18/2016)
11.20 (12/5/2016)
11.10 (11/23/2016)
10.10 (2/17/2016)
10.03 (12/14/2015)
- During registration, the
"Register Now" button sometimes did
10.00 (12/13/2015) from 8.06 (12/1/2015)
Addressed several application stability issues.
Critical update.
Windows 10 Compatibility. Do not use Windows 10 with a version
earlier than 10.00.
Windows 10 (and Windows 8.1) Compatibility modifications
completed. Please upgrade if you haven't done so already. This
version will be much more reliable on the latest operating
8.00 (10/16/2015)
Office 2016 compatibility done.
7.60 (9/2/2015)
Added ability to MOVE files after conversion. See Advanced
Options button.
Added ability to DELETE files after conversion. See Advanced
Options button.
7.20 (7/2/2015)
Conversion: Some TIF files within input files were not
Conversion of HTML: Enhancements were made.
Conversion of DOC: Enhancements were made.
Conversion of RTF: Text was always behind objects in
7.10 (4/23/2015)
The Output File Type was not properly listing
all available file types for those using Office 2007.
7.0 (12/11/2014)
Conversion to DOCX, DOC, RTF: Tables were missing.
Conversion to DOCX: Hyperlinks with hash sign (#) didn't work.
Conversion to DOCX: MS Word Content Controls caused an error.
Conversion to DOCX: Paragraphs were shifting, and table boarders
were missing
Conversion to HTML: Docs containing a large amount of tables can
cause an error.
Conversion to HTML: Font size info is not converted in some cases.
Conversion to HTML: If a bulleted list exists in the input file a
large space above list was produced.
Conversion to HTML: Pound sign #, within URL was being encoded.
Conversion to HTML: Text within a list, colors are not properly
Conversion to PDF: Export of images did not work in all cases (Lossy).
Conversion to PDF: Hyperlinks after SPACE characters may not show up
in output file.
Conversion to PDF: Missing hyperlinks.
Conversion to PDF: Table header are not exported to PDF.
Conversion to RTF: Numbered list values were incorrect.
6.34 (10/16/2014)
When Adding the first conversion item, the user interface now
selects the just added item in the 'Conversion Task List'. This
allows for modifying the just added item with the Update
button. Previously, a user would have to manually click
the just added row to modify it. This is much more user
6.33 (8/21/2014)
Documentation updated to reflect recent enhancements
Languages folder has been moved to the %AppData%\Softinterface,
Inc\ folder.
6.32 (8/8/2014)
Application default font set to Tahoma. In some instances of
Windows 7 (perhaps 8.x) the default font "MS Sans Serif" was
installed but not the smaller type fonts. This resulted in a
user interface with text much too large.
6.31 (7/28/2014)
Windows 7 and 8 Fonts are now detected on program start. If
default fonts are not installed an appropriate alternative will
be chosen.
6.30 (7/28/2014)
Application prevents user from writing to operating system
protected folders
Application loads and exits faster now. Needless startup
and shut down items removed.
Application attempts to create output folder if it doesn't
User interface: The 'Conversion Task List' grid now auto-sizes the Input and
Output file columns making it much easier to see everything.
User interface: The LOG displays much better now that the table
autosizes allowing for the viewing of the error/warning.
User interface: CTRL-TAB and (SHIFT-CTRL-TAB) now works far
Tabbed items within dialog boxes.
If a 'Conversion Job' file (e.g. *.SII) has #OPEN.SII at the end
of the filename then the 'conversion job' will only be opened
for editing and not executed when chosen from Windows Explorer.
For example a file named c:\MyJobs\WorkingOnThis#OPEN.SII
will open within the user interface when double clicked. Without
the #OPEN.SII the 'Conversion Job' file will execute as before.
User interface:
Adjusted user interface to handle Windows 7 64 bit default
font size
User interface: When opening a conversion Job
file, the default folder will initially be
%AppData%\Softinterface, Inc\Convert PowerPoint\
Demonstration 'Conversion Job' files are now installed in
%AppData%\Softinterface, Inc\Convert PowerPoint\ folder.
Users can specify the following in the program and commandline:
6.20 (6/5/2014)
Manual updated
Version number now shown when launching application.
Windows 8 Installation -
Removed excess icons in the Start menu.
6.00 (5/12/2014)
Microsoft Office 2013 now supported more fully. These Output
file types have been added:
File Extension |
Constant |
Description |
Save as an open XML presentation.
Save as a macro-enabled open XML
Save as an open XML template.
Save as a macro-enabled open XML
Save as an open XML show.
Save as a macro-enabled open XML show.
Save as a PDF. This version of PDF is
actually done by PowerPoint
Save in the XML Paper Specification
(XPS) format.
Save as an XML presentation.
Save as an open document presentation.
Save slideshow as an OpenXML Picture
Save slideshow as a Windows Media Video
(WMV) file.
5.20 (3/11/2014)
Microsoft Office 2013 now supported.
5.10 (11/18/2013)
Registration upgraded to handle Windows 8.
5.01 (10/24/2013)
If the program was closed while the size was maximized to the
screen the software would not re-open.This was introduced in
version 5.00.
5.00 (10/18/2013)
Installation upgraded to handle Windows 8 and Windows 7.
4.50 (8/30/2013)
Documentation/Help completely reviewed and updated for accuracy.
Image import enhanced.
- Converting to HTML enhanced.
- Conversion to DOC, DOCX, RTF: tables were missing
on extremely rare circumstances.
4.17 (6/10/2013)
Documentation/Help upgraded. Chrome now works properly for html web
based help.
4.16 (5/30/2013)
Selecting the INPUT or OUTPUT folder. When the asterisk was
used, the program would always start the selection at the root
("computer") instead of the path last chosen. This is now
resolved allowing for quick file/folder selection.
4.10 (9/7/2012)
Converting to: RTF, DOC, or DOCX: Incorrect character formatting
of a number in a numbered list.
4.00 (8/10/2012)
- Converting to PDF: Some INPUT files caused memory
- Conversion to RTF: Some minor bug fixes.
- Some TIFs with bi-levels were being incorrectly
3.30 (7/30/2012)
Conversion Items may now be moved within the 'Conversion Task
List'. Select the CONVERSION menu item or the RIGHT MOUSE CLICK to open a pop-up menu item.
Move UP, DOWN, FIRST, and LAST are now available. CTRL-U and
CTRL-D also move a conversion item up and down respectively.
Users may now be asked to save the 'Conversion Job' file if they
are exiting, loading an existing 'Conversion Job' file, or
requesting to create a new 'Conversion Job'. If there is no
'conversion job' file at the time, there must be at least 2
conversion items in the 'Conversion job' to be asked to save.
Users will not be asked to save if they've loaded a 'Conversion
Job' and haven't modified it.
3.20 (5/21/2012)
Command Line: A time stamp will be put in
the log file (if /L is specified).
3.1 (9/20/2011)
Documentation/help file upgraded to CHM (from HLP)
If PowerPoint was not installed, no error was coming up. This
was a recently introduced issue.
Double clicking on task list now brings up Advanced Options
dialog if appropriate.
3.0 (9/12/2011)
User Interface greatly enhanced.

2.02 (1/25/2011)
Conversion of RTF: Numerous enhancements
Conversion of HTML: Numerous enhancments: Relative table heights
improperly being set. When using table element line spacing
incorrect. Portions of html were getting truncated. Text within
form elements not imported. Lists indentation changed.
Conversion of HTML: Windows 7 Specific issue.
Conversion to HTML: Anchored images are not exported in some
Converting to DOCX: Extra digit on page number.
2.01 (1/6/2011)
- Conversion of DOC and RTF improved
- Conversion of files with images: DOC and RTF sometimes distorted
- Conversion of files with images: Windows 2000 had an issue
- Conversion of files with images: EMF's inserted with a file
reference were not displayed
- Conversion of files with images: 8 bit PNGs that have
transparency would not convert
- Conversion of HTML: Positioning of images improved
- Conversion of HTML: Incorrect default vertical text alignment in
table cells
- Conversion of RTF: Exporting lists were incorrect in some cases
2.00 (8/13/2010)
Windows 7 compatibility enhancements made. Default report
folders now updated.
Working well now with Office 2010
Command line improved for Windows Vista, Windows 7 and greater.
The manifest file was renamed so that running ConvertPPT.EXE
won't bring up the UAC (User Account Control) approval dialog by
default. Command line users must understand that if they
have UAC enabled, and they are doing a command line with output
to a protected folder, the results will be placed in the %localappdata%\VirtualStore
folder. If you think UAC is having an effect on the command line
you can quickly change the name of the program in your command
line from ConvertPPT.EXE to ConvertPPT.Admin.EXE. Doing this
will enable a prompt to elevate security before the command line
is fully executed.
1.48 (4/8/2010)
Languages: French language file added.
1.47 (4/8/2010)
Conversion: Added PPTX as a file type filter when choosing an
input file. Office 2007 compatibility.
1.46 (3/31/2010)
Conversion: Conversion to TXT or UNICODE text was repeating
1.45 (3/30/2010)
Conversion: Conversion to UNICODE text is now functioning
properly for Chinese, Japanese, Russian, etc. text.
1.44 (3/29/2010)
Conversion: Office 2007 ppt files, Notes were sometimes causing
all slides not to be processed.
1.43 (12/21/2009)
Special Process, Search And Replace. When replacing with
nothing, the user interface would not update properly. It would
work fine however.
1.42 (10/27/2009)
User Interface: Upon completion of a
Conversion Job, the status bar now flashes 100% complete.
If minimized, the taskbar flashes to indicate completion.
User Interface: When running the scheduler, if program is
minimized the time remaining shows up in the task bar.
User Interface: When running the scheduler, PAUSE button now
enabled to halt scheduler.
5.523 - Minor fixes to user interface when using the scheduler.
1.41 (6/19/2009)
Saving as Text was not always working for Office 2007.
1.40 (6/12/2009)
Command Line: /O switch was broken.
1.378 to 1.39 (4/23/2009)
Usability: Most Recently Used Conversion Job files now
available from the FILE menu item.
1.373 to
1.378 (3/30/2009)
Usability: Users no longer have to press the ADD button for the
program to convert. Upon pressing the ADD button, the program
assumes you will be creating a conversion job
that has more than one conversion item.
Usability: When pressing the PAUSE button, the status bar now
reflects this fact, and the Green check or Red X is properly
displayed if the last running conversion job finished.
Usability: Users no longer have to press REWIND if the last run
went to 100% completion.
Usability: When pressing the PAUSE button, the mouse now
restores back to the arrow as it should.
Error Logging: If users pressed PAUSE during a conversion job,
and then clicked CONVERT, any errors logged from this point had
an incorrect 'Conversion Job Number'.
Command Line: Should run much faster now that many ini
parameters are not being unnecessarily loaded.
1.37 to
1.373 (8/29/2008)
1.36 to 1.37
1.35 to 1.36
1.34 to 1.35
1.33 to 1.34
to 1.33 (10/28/2004)
1.31 to 1.32
Increase level in numbered lists is retained when an HTML file
is loaded
size is same as original after a document has been converted
are now converted correctly to HTML
Converting special documents to PDF no longer causes an internal
Accurate HTML output with bullets and numbered lists
Restarted lists are accurately converted from DOC files
1.30 to 1.31
1.26 to 1.30
1.26 to 1.28
1.25 to 1.26
Completely rewrote the conversion engine and upgraded user
target file types available, including DOC, Text, EMF (enhanced
Meta File)
1.24 to 1.25
1.1 to 1.2