'Convert Image' converts quickly. Further, it allows for the saving and restoring of complex 'conversion jobs'. Specify a 'conversion job' within the command line or task scheduler and rest easy.
Command line capability is fundamental to ALL of our software tools. Demo batch files are installed ready for testing and modification. We are always here to help you implement our software.
Moving or deleting input PNG, JPG, TIF files after successful conversion is easy to do. This allows for unattended conversion of whole folders.
'Convert Image' is a simple to use, yet sophisticated image conversion and manipulation utility.
If you need to convert one or thousands of images of varying types this is the tool. The
most popular task our customers perform is to convert PNG to/from a JPG file.
'Convert Image' can be very useful if you require complicated conversion jobs be done on a regular basis.
By saving and recalling a conversion job file, 'Convert Image' quickly remembers all the conversion tasks and their
details. All of our conversion tools have numerous features. For example you can schedule a conversion job at a
regular interval (time or calendar based) while optionally moving/deleting the input files. Also, our conversion
tools have the ability to launch other programs and perform file operations.
Run this software from the command line allowing for use within batch
files as well as being used from other programs programmatically.
In addition to file conversion, numerous special processes for images have been included. These are:
The command line is one of the most widely known, accepted and implemented methods for allowing one software app to initiate another app. That's why we've made it our goal to make all of our software command line able.
Automate conversions with the command line using:
NOTE: After installation, you can find several simple batch (*.bat) files for quick and easy usage by going to Start\All Programs\Convert Image\Example Batch Files. These will work immediately provided the installation was in the default folder. Email us at Support-at-SoftInterface.com if you have any questions or need additional examples. We will get you up and running fast!
Although we'll discuss the use of the command line here, it's only to give you a taste. For the full, accurate, and up to date information see the 'Convert Image' command line documentation. There you will also find a full list of examples and how to troubleshoot. See using the Windows Scheduler also.
There are two approaches to using the command line:
ConvertImage /S{Input File(s)} /T{Output File(s)} [/F#] [/C#] [/G] [/R] [/L{LogFile}] [/B{LogToJobFile}] [/V] [/Z] [/1-9] [/P#] [/a-j]
Items above enclosed in square brackets "[ ]" are optional, all other 'switches' are required. Therefore /S, /T should always be specified on the command line. There is one exceptions, however and that is when /G (Save to input folder) is specified, the /T switch is not necessary.
You can include or exclude spaces between switches and parameters. For example, "/F6" is the same as "/F 6".
Command switches are case sensitive, therefore /F is completely different from /f.
For long file names (e.g. a path or file name with spaces in it, or longer than 8.3 format) you are required to use double quotes. For example:
ConvertImage.EXE /S "C:\Input Folder\Coffee.jpg" /T "C:\Output folder\cream.png" /F1 /C8 /V
/S{Input File(s)} is used to specify which files to convert. You can specify a single file, or in some cases a whole set of files using the wildcard syntax (i.e. "C:\MyFiles\*.BMP"). /T{Output files} should always be different from /S{Input File(s)}.
/T{Output File(s)} is used to specify where to save the converted file(s) to. You can specify a single file, or in some cases a whole set of files using the wildcard syntax (i.e. "C:\MyFiles\*.BMP"). /T{Output files} should always be different from /S{Input File(s)}.
/F# tells 'Convert Image' what the input file type is. You must supply a number for the # symbol. Remember the input file, specified by the /S{Input File(s)} switch, has an extension which determines it's file type. For all constants see File Type Constants. /F /C are required if you are not using file names with standard file extensions (standard file extensions are jpg, tif, gif, etc). For example if you working with bitmap files with file names like mybitmap.abc then you definitely need to specify the /F and/or /C switch.
/C# tells 'Convert Image' what the output file type is. You must supply a number for the # symbol. Remember the output file, specified by the /T{Output File(s)} switch, has an extension which determines it's file type. For all constants see File Type Constants. /F /C are required if you are not using file names with standard file extensions (standard file extensions are jpg, tif, gif, etc). For example if you working with bitmap files with file names like mybitmap.abc then you definitely need to specify the /F and/or /C switch.
[/G] Save files to their input folders. Use this instead of /T to place the converted files in the same folder as the input file. This cannot be used when converting a single, specified file from within a folder. Use the /T switch instead.
[/R] Seek out and do all files found in the sub-folders specified in the /S switch. Recursive subdirectories. You may add this switch if you are processing whole directories of files. See /S, /T and /G for more details on selecting whole directories to be converted.
[/L{LogFile}] Log file path and name (e.g. d:\mylogs\MoreInfo.LOG). If this switch is specified a log file with the given path and name will be created and the results of the conversion will be written to it. See also /V and /Z.
[/B{LogToJobFile}] Save the Log file as a 'Conversion Job' ONLY IF ERRORS OCCURRED. This is useful if the files that had problems can be done at a later time, or with a different method. /B is different from /L, since the file generated with /B will not include extraneous comments not allowed in a 'Conversion Job' file. Save as a .SII file type so it can be loaded as a job.
[/V] Verbose mode. Specify this switch to display a message box indicating how the conversion went. See also /L.
[/Z] Verbose Log. All file operations will be recorded in the log.
[/1] TIFF: Pages to convert. For example if you have a multipage TIFF and you want to convert the 1st and 3rd page use "/1 1,3". To do pages 2-5 use "/1 2-5" .
[/2] TIFF: Compression to use when converting TO a TIFF file (default is no compression). Use "/2 0" for no compression and "/2 1" for LZW compression.
0 - No compression. Save image as 24bpp uncompressed TIFF file.
1 - LZW. Save image as 24bpp TIFF file with LZW compression.
2 - RLE. Save image as 1bpp TIFF file with RLE compression.
3 - CCITT3. Save image as 1bpp TIFF file with CCITT3 compression.
4 - CCITT4. Save image as 1bpp TIFF file with CCITT4 compression.
[/3] TIFF: Append to existing when converting to a TIFF. Use "/3 TRUE" to append "/3 FALSE" not to.
[/4] JPEG: Quality of the resulting JPG from 0 to 100 (default is 100). 0 is lowest and 100 is highest quality. The higher the quality the larger the resulting output file. Use "/4 100" for highest quality.
[/5] TAG: TITLE of the image. For example to associate the title of "President" to the resulting image use "/5 President" .
[/6] TAG: DESCRIPTION of the image. For example to associate the description of "Money is the product of a humans capacity to think" to the resulting image use "/6 Money is the product of a humans capacity to think" .
[/7] TAG: DATE/TIME of the image. For example to associate the date/time "July 4th 1976" to the resulting image use "/7 July 4th 1976" .
[/8] TAG: AUTHOR of the image. For example to associate the author "Krishnamurti" to the resulting image use "/8 Krishnamurti" .
[/9] TAG: COPYRIGHT of the image. For example to associate the copyright "Copyright 2005, Softinterface" to the resulting image use "/9 Copyright 2005, Softinterface".
File Type | Constant |
Independent JPEG Group (*.jpg) | 1 |
Windows Bitmap (*.bmp) | 2 |
Tagged Image File Format (*.tif) | 3 |
Graphics Interchange Format (*.gif) | 4 |
EMF (*.emf) | 5 |
J2K (*.j2k) | 6 |
PCX Bitmap (*.pcx) | 7 |
Portable Network Graphics (*.png) | 8 |
Sun Rasterfile (*.ras) | 9 |
Targa File (*.tga) | 10 |
Windows Meta File (*.wmf) | 11 |
*Windows Icon (*.ico) | 12 |
*Windows Cursor (*.cur) | 13 |
*Windows Animated Cursor (*.ani) | 14 |
Image File Type Constants for Use with /F# and /C#
Specify the source (/S) and output files (/T), the PNG format (/F8) of the input, the JPG format (/C1) of the output, specify a JPG quality of 78 (/4 78) with on-screen confirmation (/V):
ConvertImage.EXE /S "C:\Samples\Coffee.png" /T "C:\Output\cream.jpg" /F8 /C1 /4 78 /V
To change the output file type change the /T{Output File} and /C# switch. To change the input file type change the /S{Input File} and the /F# switch. The /C# /F# switches are not always needed
Specify the source (/S) and output files (/T), the PNG format (/F8) of the input, the JPG format (/C1) of the output, specify a JPG quality of 20 (/4 20) with on-screen confirmation (/V), specify subfolders (/R):
ConvertImage.EXE /S "C:\Samples\*.png" /T "C:\Samples\Output\*.jpg" /F8 /C1 /4 20 /V /R
Years of 'Convert Image' development. Time tested for robustness.54
Non-profit organizations assisted. Are you a member of one? Let us know, we would like to help.110
Customers in 110 countries. 1 in 3 Fortune 500 companies use our software.